CET begins with neurocognitive training in attention. This video demonstrates a session with the first attention training exercise – the Attention Reaction Conditioner (ARC)
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Training Support Portal for Cognitive Enhancement Therapy
CET begins with neurocognitive training in attention. This video demonstrates a session with the first attention training exercise – the Attention Reaction Conditioner (ARC)
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The final neurocognitive training module in CET is targeted toward problem-solving and executive function abilities. This video demonstrates a session with a problem-solving exercise – Simply Logical
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The second neurocognitive training module in CET is targeted toward memory. This video demonstrates a session with a working memory exercise – Trail Trace
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Starting on Session #4 of the social-cognitive group, the categorization exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the categorization exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
Starting on Session #23 of the social-cognitive group, the condensed message exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the condensed message exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
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Starting on Session #29 of the social-cognitive group, the using CET to help a friend exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the using CET to help a friend exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
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Starting on Session #33 of the social-cognitive group, the initiating and maintaining conversations exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the initiating and maintaining conversations exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
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Starting on Session #37 of the social-cognitive group, the introduce a friend exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the introduce a friend exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
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Starting on Session #40 of the social-cognitive group, the write and perform a play exercise is introduced. This video demonstrates the play exercise within a social-cognitive group session.
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Prior to beginning CET, practitioners need to arrive at an assessment of the cognitive and social challenges their patient is experiencing. The Cognitive Styles and Social Cognition Eligibility Interview (Hogarty & Greenwald, 2006) is designed to provide such an assessment. This video demonstrates an example eligibility interview using this assessment tool.
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